Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Kuwaities are Family Oriented

Kuwait is a very family oriented society. Most if not all Arabic societies are. I've always believed that this is a blessing. You are always surrounded by people who love you and care about you. You get help before you even ask for it. There is always someone to talk to if you were lost, worried, sad or in trouble. Also, you have your family to share your success and happiness with. However, sometimes you pay for all these benefits through losing some privacy. Your family is always in your business telling you what to do or what you should have done. Here in Kuwait we have a tradition: the in laws visit their families twice a week. One day is for the husband's parents and another for the wife's, along with all the kids, so all the cousins, grandkids, in laws, etc. get to meet twice a week for lunch, or sometimes dinner. I know this might sound like a nightmare to many people. But, I think it is a good tradition that relatives grow together and get to see one another that often rather than just once a year or never. After all, no one is perfect and we have to live with each other. Of course there bound to be some arguments, small fights, maybe even name calling, lightened by laughs, funny and embarrassing old stories. But, hey isn't that what family is all about!
As for friends, they hang out on a regular basis depending on age, time of the year (holidays or when school is not in session), and their schedule. Some meet on weekends, others once a month, or sometimes more than once a week especially during holidays. They either visit at home, go to the movies, go for coffee, dine out, go shopping or just simply hang out. Our lifestyle here in Kuwait makes it easier for us to hang out with friends and family. This is again a blessing.
Kuwait Libraries

Here are the URLs for some of the libraries in Kuwait
1. National Library of Kuwait
2. Q8Y2B - Public Library
Searchable online library contains references and studies useful for researchers.
3. LibDex: The Library Index - KuwaitListing of academic libraries in Kuwait.
4. Ketaaby KuwaitOnline electronic library in Kuwait provides Arabic books covering different subjects like Politics, religion, history, poetry and more.
5. Health Science Center Library
1. National Library of Kuwait
2. Q8Y2B - Public Library
Searchable online library contains references and studies useful for researchers.
3. LibDex: The Library Index - KuwaitListing of academic libraries in Kuwait.
4. Ketaaby KuwaitOnline electronic library in Kuwait provides Arabic books covering different subjects like Politics, religion, history, poetry and more.
5. Health Science Center Library
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A tribute to Violet Dickson, Umm Saud, Umm Kuwait (Mother of Kuwait)

Dame Violet Penelope Dickson, DBE (3 September 1896 – 4 January 1991) was the wife of British colonial administrator H. R. P. Dickson. She lived in Kuwait for 61 years, and published several books on the country. Violet Dickson was a keen botanist and published a book on the flora of Bahrain and Kuwait in 1955. The desert plant that she introduced to science, Horwoodia dicksoniae (known as khuzama in Arabic), was named in her honour.
Violet Dickson had a son Saud (died in May 2005), and a daughter Zahra Freeth, who is also an author on Middle Eastern topics. Dame Violet was given the honorific title Umm Saud (Arabic: أم سعود meaning Mother of Saud), and was also known as Umm Kuwait - Mother of Kuwait. She was also given the honorific Hajjiyah, a term of respect meaning a female who has completed the Haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. This is unusual, as non-Muslims are not allowed to perform the Haj.
The British Political Agency in Kuwait was based in a house that had been built in 1870 for a Kuwaiti merchant. The Dicksons moved in to the house in 1929, and the building served as the British political agency until 1935. Harold Dickson continued to live there until his death in 1959, and Violet until the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, when she was evacuated, unwillingly, to Britain. She intended to return to her home in Kuwait City, but died on 4 January 1991, some eight weeks before the liberation of Kuwait on 27 February. She was 94. The house was ransacked during the invasion, but has since been restored by the Kuwaiti National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, and is now a tourist attraction. It is one of few surviving examples of 19th-century Kuwaiti architecture, with thirty rooms on two floors.
Violet Dickson had a son Saud (died in May 2005), and a daughter Zahra Freeth, who is also an author on Middle Eastern topics. Dame Violet was given the honorific title Umm Saud (Arabic: أم سعود meaning Mother of Saud), and was also known as Umm Kuwait - Mother of Kuwait. She was also given the honorific Hajjiyah, a term of respect meaning a female who has completed the Haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. This is unusual, as non-Muslims are not allowed to perform the Haj.
The British Political Agency in Kuwait was based in a house that had been built in 1870 for a Kuwaiti merchant. The Dicksons moved in to the house in 1929, and the building served as the British political agency until 1935. Harold Dickson continued to live there until his death in 1959, and Violet until the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, when she was evacuated, unwillingly, to Britain. She intended to return to her home in Kuwait City, but died on 4 January 1991, some eight weeks before the liberation of Kuwait on 27 February. She was 94. The house was ransacked during the invasion, but has since been restored by the Kuwaiti National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, and is now a tourist attraction. It is one of few surviving examples of 19th-century Kuwaiti architecture, with thirty rooms on two floors.
Umm Soud was loved by Kuwaities as much as she loved Kuwait and its poeple.
Books and articles by Violet Dickson:
1. A visit to Maskan and Auha Islands in the Persian Gulf off Kuwait, May 7th, 1942" Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 43, 258-264 (Reprinted in Ahmadi Newsletter 7, 5-12) (1942).
2. The Wild Flowers of Kuwait and Bahrain London: George Allen & Unwin (1955).
3. Forty Years in Kuwait London: George Allen & Unwin (1971).
4. Violet Dickson wrote an introduction to Kuwait's Natural History: An Introduction edited by David Clayton. Kuwait: Kuwait Oil Company (1983)
Kuwait Zoom

Kuwait Zoom is a great booklet published monthly. It contains events such as art galleries, lectures, entertainment, and various attractions in Kuwait. It provides a list of theaters, museums, historical places, libraries, etc. There is also a section for current movies along with movie reviews. Kuwait Zoom can be found at some hotels, co-ops, malls, Sultan Center. There is some featured articles as well.
You can access it on line to view historical places in Kuwait, places of interest, events, and much more.
You can access it on line to view historical places in Kuwait, places of interest, events, and much more.
Coffee Addict

As I mentioned earlier I LOVE coffee. I admit I used to be a coffee addict until I was ordered by my doctor to cut down….well, actually she asked me to stop completely and I did for few months then went back on. I don’t drink it everyday but every once and a while I treat myself to a latte, cappuccino, or instant coffee. Recent finds state that coffee is good for the heart in moderation and it contains antioxidants.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Kuwait Bookaholics Update
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
New Hobby

I've been very bored lately. I'm single so I don't have kids to run after or a husband to baby sit. So, I have all the time in the World to do what ever I desire. Reading is a big thing for me, but sometimes I'm just too tired to read or my eyes are hurting. So, I've been thinking lately of getting into a new hobby! But what? I don't want to learn to play an instrument, not sure about sports! I want something fun, does not cost much and easy to do. If I had the money I would travel and make that as my new hobby......travelling is awesome, but could hurt your pocket. Suggestions anyone??
Life is like a box of chocolate

I am a chocoholic by nature. Give me chocolate anytime and I will eat it. I also love chocolate of all types: milk, dark as a drink, in cakes, cookies, etc. though I'm not a big fan of the white chocolate. We are lucky here in Kuwait to have many chocolatier, and high quality chocolate is available even in co-ops and if you wanted fancy ones then you can pick from the 100s chocolatier shops spread all over Kuwait. I'm at work right now and all I could think of is a box of assorted chocolates with a freshly brewed cup pf Joe....that will be my lunch....yummy yummmmm:)
Summer in Kuwait

Summer is at the doors. So, where do you go in Kuwait during summer? Many escape to Europe and colder regions. The remaining doomed individuals who have to work or have kids must escape the heat in some other ways. many go to the beach and Kuwaiti es are blessed by a beautiful beach and many private chalets or you can rent if you don't own one and just hang at the resort. You can sun bathe at the various lovely pools but don't forget your sun screen with 1000 SPF. Then there are many in door activities like: game arcades, pool tables, going to the movies, trying out different cuisines, do some shopping, reading, catch up on your sleep, visiting friends and family. Many of us have learned to switch our schedules around and go out after sun set when the heat is a bit more tolerable. Check out Zoom booklet...it contains many activities and hot spots. Whatever you chose to do in the summer...make sure you stay hydrated and wear sun protection.
Have a great summer!
Magazines Censored

Did you know that they sensor magazines here? Sometimes I think it is stupid since teens and kids can watch far more explicit pictures off the Internet, satellite TV or even video games. The censuring process is ridiculous itself and seems to be random. You can see a model wearing a bikini in one page then in another they cover the actor's shoulders with black marker, or cover her tummy. So, there is no general rule it seems.....just a big boy with a black marker crossing off some parts he liked or don't want others to see.
Work Sucks

I hate my job. How often have you heard this comment? But, only few people do something about it and follow their dream….follow their passion.
I salute those people. Who do not fear failure, criticism, and are brave enough to leave their secured but stressful boring job and take that giant leap to change careers. If you had that luxury…what would you do for a living? What job would you choose and what career do you wish to have?
I salute those people. Who do not fear failure, criticism, and are brave enough to leave their secured but stressful boring job and take that giant leap to change careers. If you had that luxury…what would you do for a living? What job would you choose and what career do you wish to have?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Compulsive Eating

Day after day I come to realize that I might be a compulsive eater. When I start eating a candy bar I don't stop until it is all gone, even if I wasn't that hungry. I also suffer from another eating disorder, that I yet need to find a name for. It is stuffing your stomach with snacks and junk while watching TV. Or, what's even worse feeling hungry all of a sudden after the actors have a meal at a restaurant, or are coking dinner. It does not matter even if you just had your lunch or dinner, just watching that food on TV makes you hungry all over again and you can't really go on before eating something, and by the time you are done preparing your meal the show you were watching ends, another one starts and you see them indulging in an ice cream cone...your eyes are wide open so you run to the freezer and demolish the ice cream, go back to the show ...oh the father is now drinking coffee....hmm sounds good after all I kinda feel cold after this ice cream....with the first sip of your hot fresh coffee you feel a tooth ache....a freeze-melt headache and it suddenly hits you: my eating habits are being programed by the shows I watch.
I am addicted to Starbucks coffee. Few years ago, its coffee used to run in my veins instead of blood. But, right now I am trying to cut down. They also keep raising their prices, it is outrageous. My favourite drink is caramel machiato, I also like the mocha Valencia. the stores have spread in Kuwait like a plaque. In malls, Co-Ops, etc.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Book Club
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Kuwaint Mourn Its Loved Shaikh

Brief History
Sheikh Saad was born in 1930, He’s the eldest son of the former emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Abdullah al-Salim al-Sabah. He was an ambitious man, After studying in Kuwait he went on to continue his education in Hendon Police Academy in England. Sheikh Saad served as the President of the Police and Public Service Department, also served as the Minister of Interior and minister of defense. On January 31, 1978 he gained the title of Crown Prince. Between February 1978 and July 2003, he also served as prime minister of Kuwait, after which that role was given to Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. He also briefly held the position of Military Governor of Kuwait from 1991 to 1992.
Sheikh Saad played a major role in liberating Kuwait from Saddam’s regime. He refused to compromise with any of Iraq’s ministers, and with the head of the PLO, Yasir Arafat. He announced that he will discuss nothing but liberating Kuwait from the Iraqi regime.
He died on the 13th of May, at age 78, at around 7pm.
Sheikh Saad was born in 1930, He’s the eldest son of the former emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Abdullah al-Salim al-Sabah. He was an ambitious man, After studying in Kuwait he went on to continue his education in Hendon Police Academy in England. Sheikh Saad served as the President of the Police and Public Service Department, also served as the Minister of Interior and minister of defense. On January 31, 1978 he gained the title of Crown Prince. Between February 1978 and July 2003, he also served as prime minister of Kuwait, after which that role was given to Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. He also briefly held the position of Military Governor of Kuwait from 1991 to 1992.
Sheikh Saad played a major role in liberating Kuwait from Saddam’s regime. He refused to compromise with any of Iraq’s ministers, and with the head of the PLO, Yasir Arafat. He announced that he will discuss nothing but liberating Kuwait from the Iraqi regime.
He died on the 13th of May, at age 78, at around 7pm.
He was truly loved by all of us. He was kind, loving and caring. He loved Kuwait dearly and loved us all and we all loved him back.
May he rest in peace.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What's Up With This Name "Gulf Pearl

I have chosen this name Gulf Pearl, in an attempt to revive Kuwait's long lost nickname among the gulf nations. Kuwait was one of the leading Gulf nations in many facets; art, theatre, music, economics, literature, to mention a few. But, during the Iraqi invasion Saddam and his people destroyed the country and rubbed it of its identity ....the pearl was turned into a worthless bead. It is our task now to polish this bead and turn it into a pearl yet once again.
Greetings All
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